Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Pope and The Church

We all know that Catholicism is very prominent in the Italian culture. Growing up there was always an endless supply of holy water and rosaries in the house.With Easter approaching and the importance of the pope election, religion has been a hot topic. 

Picture from Nonna Maria
If you go in to my nonnis (grandparents) home, you can find many religious artifacts all over the house.  From candles from religious ceremonies, holy water, palms, paintings of angels or saints, and so on are everywhere! You can't really escape without finding some sort of religious object in the house. 

For a brief amount of time I lived at my grandparents house. I remember when it was time for bed, the religious paintings used to scare me to no end! Even though my grandmother would tell  me it was a type of "protection and safety" it still used to scare me in the middle of the night when you would look up and see a pair of eyes looking down at you!

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